TSHTF Archives - Useful Survival https://www.usefulsurvival.com/thePress/category/when-it-hits-the-fan/ Useful Survival for Everyone Sat, 16 Apr 2022 17:22:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/www.usefulsurvival.com/thePress/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/cropped-UsefulSurvival600x600-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 TSHTF Archives - Useful Survival https://www.usefulsurvival.com/thePress/category/when-it-hits-the-fan/ 32 32 205384418 What is TSHTF? https://www.usefulsurvival.com/thePress/when-it-hits-the-fan/what-is-tshtf/ Sat, 16 Apr 2022 00:27:09 +0000 http://www.usefulsurvival.com/thePress/?p=51 TSHTF is The Shit Hits The Fan…. this is more of a localized disaster. A tornado hits you or a hurricane could fall into this category but total recovery is possible within a reasonable timeline… say 6 months. If it takes a generation to get back to normal… it is way past TSHTF So I […]

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TSHTF is The Shit Hits The Fan…. this is more of a localized disaster. A tornado hits you or a hurricane could fall into this category but total recovery is possible within a reasonable timeline… say 6 months. If it takes a generation to get back to normal… it is way past TSHTF

So I think of this to be more of a week without power… if your power goes out for 24 hours, chances are you did not lose all the food in your freezer… but if it is off for a week… you better be throwing out a lot of your perishable food.

NOTE: Want to test how prepared you are? Go turn off your main power breaker to your house for 8 hours and see how you handle it. What did you learn? Any changes to your plan?

The post What is TSHTF? appeared first on Useful Survival.
